A cafe mocha, also known as mocaccino is a chocolate flavored coffee. It’s basically a latte or cappuccino with chocolate. Following a few simple steps, you can easily make this delicious cafe mocha at home in just 5 minutes. Also because most of us do not have milk steamer at home, so in this video, I’ve shared a very cool trick to make the milk froth by using just a bottle and it gives you a perfect frothy milk for your homemade coffee.
Ingredients & Full Recipe👇👇👇
Link: https://www.spicebangla.com/cafe-mocha-recipe/
Download the Spice Bangla app: http://bit.ly/35haVLj
The Loyalist – Pinecrest by The Loyalist https://soundcloud.com/the_loyalist_official
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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