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What You’ll Need:
-Coffee of your choice: instant, pod or ground (I show you how to use them all)
-Milk (I used 2% / semi-skimmed)
-2 Cups Ice
-Syrup – I use the Monin brand many coffee shops use which you can purchase from the following:-
Monin Syrup from Sainsbury’s in store or online here: https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/gb/groceries/monin-caramel-syrup-250ml?langId=44&storeId=10151&krypto=SoXR7c3ojL3Syb%2F9AE4KCVcatogfT871sy4a5E3Lq7fEkNGzcSjwQKYl%2Fazl91z70QUHsfOq2I9mpKkMX1GuqRQODY8R28%2BYpsn3ZxSfwDInUAgZ4WF13FuTWfv1l2K8u%2BvylX9eoerlQX5HLoOjiu1JXfsWpWC7EtMu0v8Q5K0%3D&ddkey=https%3Agb%2Fgroceries%2Fmonin-caramel-syrup-250ml
Monin Syrups from Debenhams in store or online here: https://www.debenhams.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/prod_10701_10001_311100200099?brand=Costa&cat1=Gifts&cat2=Food-%26-drink-gifts&cat3=Tea-coffee-%26-hot-chocolate-gifts&CMP=SSH_6890450472_1341761995_52788786934&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9brZn4GD3QIVzLftCh25QAEmEAQYAiABEgKg-fD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Monin Syrups from Twinings: https://www.twinings.co.uk/hot-chocolate-coffee-other-drinks/syrups
Monin Syrup from Walmart in store or online: https://www.walmart.com/browse/monin/YnJhbmQ6TW9uaW4ie
1. Pour your usual amount of instant coffee (I use one heaped teaspoon) into a cup and add a splash of warm (not hot) water, stir until dissolved.
2. Add the syrup of your choice in the following amounts and stir:
Tall (small) Iced Latte = 12 fl oz = 1.2 tablespoons of syrup (I just do one and a few drops)
Grande (medium) Iced Latte = 16 fl oz = 1.6 tablespoons of syrup (I do one and a halfish)
Venti (large) Iced Latte = 24 fl oz = 2.4 tablespoons of syrup (again two and a half)
3. Fill your cup with ice
4. Add the milk of your choice and stir it all up!
*5*. Optional: Add whipped cream and thick syrup which you can find in the jelly, custard, honey etc. aisle of most stores.
It’s that easy! Do you think you’ll try this Starbucks Iced Vanilla Latte recipe this summer? Let me know in the comments!
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My name is Jade Mercedes Fraser and I’ve been on YouTube for about 8 years now on my previous channel but I decided to start afresh with a focus on ‘Ways to Live A Champagne Lifestyle on A Lemonade Budget’.
Is there anything in particular you want to see on my NEW channel? How to Save for a Chanel Handbag? How to Start A Luxury Collection? Leave me a comment below!
Rich Little Poor Girl shares the secrets of how to live a champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget. London blogger, Jade Mercedes Fraser, shares top tips on how to get discounts on designer fashion, where to find the best luxury experiences in London, how to make your high street fashion look high end and how to travel the world on a budget. New videos go up every Tuesday and Saturday – so Subscribe to start saving!
Check out the accompanying lifestyle blog, RichLittlePoorGirl.co.uk (formerly Jade With Envy) for new ‘luxury for less’ tips every Monday and Friday and follow on Instagram stories @missjadefraser for daily life hacks and styling advice. On Twitter, @missjadefraser, you’ll find discount codes and sales news and sign up to the email newsletter on my blog for a weekly roundup of all the best deals in once place!